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Elon Musk in Pennsylvania

Londinium Chronicles with Michael Vlahos

The richest man in the solar system in the 21st century, a young man named Elon Musk, bunny hopped on the stage for Donald Trump, whom Germanicus has identified as a kind of Gracchus brother.

And nothing was more obvious to me, as I watched that bunny hop, than that Germanicus had it right. What upsets the elite, the senatorial class, more than anything else? That one of their own is betraying them. Trump, who is in the role of a Gracchus brother, has gone over to the plebes.

And here comes Musk, another billionaire plebe, bunny hopping across a stage while backing Trump. Once the Senate class disposes of Trump, they'll turn on Musk.

How does the Senate class see Musk betraying them?



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Image credit: Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi by Joseph-Benoît Suvée (1795)

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